출처#1. fas.org/blogs/secrecy/2020/08/dprk-tactics/
US Army Views North Korean Military Tactics
North Korea's military "uses tactics based on former Soviet or current Russian doctrine, Chinese developments, lessons learned, and observation of recent military actions," according to a new US Army manual on the subject. "While North Korea maintains larg
출처#2. fas.org/irp/doddir/army/atp7-100-2.pdf
출처#3. news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LS2D&mid=shm&sid1=100&sid2=267&oid=119&aid=0002422166
출처#4. n.news.naver.com/article/277/0004738434?lfrom=kakao
ㅇ미 육군 "북한, 핵무기 60개·화학무기 5000t 보유" (출처#3, 4)
ㅡ 미 국방부 산하 육군부에서 발표한 "북한 전술 보고서"
1) 핵폭탄 보유량 ㅡ 20~60개 / 해마다 6개씩 만들 수 있으며 / 올 연말까지 100개까지 늘릴 수 있음
2) 화학무기 프로그램 ㅡ 사린가스, VX 등 20여종의 화학무기 / 최대 5000t 가량 보유
3) 생화학무기 ㅡ 탄저균, 콜레라, 황열병, 천연두, 티푸스 / 탄저균(1kg으로 서울시민 5만명 사망)과 천연두 무기화.
4) 해커 인력 ㅡ 정찰총국 산하 '121국' 소속인원 6,000여명 / 활동 근거지 - 벨라루스, 중국, 인도, 말레이시아, 러시아 /
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5) 한반도 전쟁 발발시 '양면전' 추구할 가능성이 높다고 평가
ㅡ 비무장 지대에서 화력 및 화학 무기 등을 동원한 대규모 공격으로 서울을 고립,
ㅡ 한미 공군기지, 항구, 정보기관 등의 시설을 탄도미사일로 타격.
ㅇNorth Korean Tactics
Chapter 1 describes the strategic environment, operational environments, and approaches to conflict.
It reviews North Korea’s history and political structure, then delves into the country’s military forces.
Topics covered include military principles; operational framework; concept of evolution and adaptation; planned actions to counter U.S. forces; and motivations, capabilities, and intent.
Chapter 2 explains Korean People’s Army (KPA) actions within the framework of functional tactics.
It discusses the functional method and the terms, symbols, and control measures used to portray and govern North Korean military activities.
A description of action and enabling functions is given, along with common function types performed by action and enabling units.
The chapter concludes with a discussion of mission task execution.
Chapter 3 addresses North Korean force structure and command and control of formations.
It reviews KPA service component organizations, command and support relationships, and command and control of military forces.
A concise description of force structure at the tactical echelon addresses regular and irregular forces, with the former primarily at the tactical echelons of division, brigade, regiment, battalion, and company.
Chapter 4 describes the standardized execution of several fundamental tactical tasks based on conditions and situational cues during mission performance.
North Korean tactical drills common to reconnaissance and security, offensive, defensive, and counterstability actions can include―but are not limited to―actions on contact, situational breach, fixing, fire and maneuver, and breaking contact.
Chapter 5 describes how the KPA uses reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, and target acquisition as essential elements to successfully meet its reconnaissance and security requirements, and addresses the intelligence process.
The section on security provides information on how North Korea protects its military units from being surprised by the enemy.
Examples of reconnaissance and security organizational structures and the types of missions conducted by both types of units are found throughout the chapter.
Chapter 6 describes the KPAGF’s primary types of offensive actions at the tactical level.
The ground forces have six purposes for conducting offensive action and use seven different forms of maneuver in their attacks.
These maneuver forms can be used in conducting any type of offensive attacks—integrated, dispersed, and limited-objective attacks at the regimental and divisional level, or assaults, ambushes, raids, and reconnaissance attacks at battalion level and below.
Chapter 7 describes the KPAGF’s primary types of defensive actions at the tactical level.
The ground forces have two primary forms of defensive actions: mobile defense and area defense.
North Korean forces only go on the defense when necessary, and desire to return to the offense as soon as possible.
Chapter 8 describes North Korea’s counterstability actions, designed to counteract an enemy’s attempts to create a stable environment for the civilian population to live in and flourish.
These activities degrade and disrupt an enemy’s civil security, law enforcement, public services, infrastructure, and effective governance, and destroy enemy resolve to resist the eventual outcome of the unification of Korea under the Kim regime.
Chapter 9 describes North Korea’s system to achieve informational and situational understanding advantages over an enemy.
The country utilizes 11 different components, all of which are used in conjunction with combat operations.
North Korea conducts electronic intelligence warfare to obtain information on its enemies, to deceive them, and to achieve effects against them.
While much of this warfare is conducted above the tactical level on the battlefield, it affects ground forces at all levels.
Appendix A describes how North Korean forces provide integrated fires in support of ground maneuver forces in tactical missions.
Appendix B describes how the KPA conducts aerial operations to include homeland defense, close air support of its ground forces, and support to special operations forces units.
Appendix C describes how the KPAGF employ antitank weapons in tactical missions in support of ground maneuver forces.
Appendix D describes how the KPAGF use all-arms air defense to protect its ground maneuver forces.
Appendix E describes North Korea’s ability to conduct electronic warfare at the tactical level in support of tactical missions.
Appendix F describes the KPAGF’s use of engineers in offensive and defensive tactical missions.
Appendix G describes KPAGF capabilities to use smoke and other obscurants, and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons in tactical missions.
Appendix H describes how North Korea supplies and sustains its ground maneuver forces in tactical missions.
Appendix I describes the KPA’s normal methods of using special operations forces to support ground maneuver force operations.
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