출처#1. https://media.defense.gov/2020/Jun/17/2002317391/-1/-1/1/2020_DEFENSE_SPACE_STRATEGY_SUMMARY.PDF
1. Executive Summary
ㅡ Space is now a distinct warfighting domain, demanding enterprise-wide changes to policies, strategies, operations, investments, capabilities, and expertise for a new strategic environment
ㅡ Space is vital to our Nation’s security, prosperity, and scientific achievement.
Space-based capabilities are integral to modern life in the United States and around the world and are an indispensable component of U.S. military power.
ㅡ In particular, China and Russia present the greatest strategic threat due to their development, testing, and deployment of counterspace capabilities and their associated military doctrine for employment in conflict extending to space.
China and Russia each have weaponized space as a means to reduce U.S. and allied military effectiveness and challenge our freedom of operation in space.
ㅡ The Department is taking innovative and bold actions to ensure space superiority and to secure the Nation’s vital interests in space now and in the future.
2. Desired Conditions
ㅡ This Defense Space Strategy (DSS) is designed to achieve the following desired conditions at an accelerated pace over the next 10 years, focusing on the military application of spacepower through control, exploitation, and influence of space to achieve strategic, operational, and tactical objectives.
The space domain is secure, stable, and accessible.
The use of space by the United States and our allies and partners is underpinned by sustained, comprehensive U.S. military strength.
The United States is able to leverage our use of space to generate, project, and employ power across all domains throughout the spectrum of conflict
ㅡ To achieve these desired conditions, DoD will advance spacepower through the pursuit of the following defense objectives:
1) Maintain Space Superiority2) Provide Space Support to National, Joint, and Combined Operations3) Ensure Space Stability
The sum of a nation’s capabilities to leverage space for diplomatic, information, military, and economic activities in peace or war in order to attain national objectives.
The U.S. defense space enterprise was not built for the current strategic environment.
The intentions and advancements of potential adversaries in space are threatening the ability of the United States to deter aggression, to protect U.S. national interests, and to fight and win future conflicts.
ㅡ Threats:
China and Russia present the most immediate and serious threats to U.S. space operations, although threats from North Korea and Iran are also growing.
ㅡ Chinese and Russian military doctrines indicate that they view space as important to modern warfare and consider the use of counterspace capabilities as a means for reducing U.S., allied, and partner military effectiveness and for winning future wars. China and Russia have weaponized space as a way to deter and counter a possible U.S. intervention during a regional military conflict.
ㅡ Challenges: Several factors may limit DoD’s ability to achieve its desired conditions:
1) The DoD will continue to depend on space to project power and to respond rapidly to crises worldwide to a greater extent than potential adversaries operating in their respective regions.2) The DoD has limited operational experience with conflict beginning in or extending into space, despite rapid counterspace advancements by potential adversaries3) International understanding and agreement of what constitutes unsafe, irresponsible, or threatening behavior in space is nascent.4) U.S. activities, both terrestrial and in space, are increasingly exposed by advances in potential adversary, rest-of-world, and commercial space-based capabilities, impeding the U.S. military’s freedom of maneuver and action in all domains. Meanwhile, potential adversaries are leveraging technological advancements in the commercial space sector at decreased costs and broader accessibility to expand their space technologies and capabilities.
5) Public understanding of their reliance on space systems, the changing character of the space domain, and the significantly growing counterspace threats to the United States and its allies and partners remains cursory.
ㅡ Opportunities: The emerging strategic environment also presents numerous opportunities that may enhance the Department’s ability to attain its desired conditions:
1) National leadership recognizes the criticality of space to national security and prosperity
2) The creation of new space-focused organizations in DoD offers an historic opportunity to reform every aspect of our defense space enterprise
3) New leadership and management for space acquisition has been established to unify the Department’s space acquisition efforts into a streamlined structure for better integration and speed of delivery.
4) The United States has long maintained a robust and prolific arrangement of alliances and partnerships built on trust, common values, and shared national interests
5) Commercial space activities have expanded significantly in both volume and diversity, resulting in new forms of commercial capabilities and services that leverage commoditized, off-the-shelf technologies and lower barriers for market entry
3. Strategic Approach
ㅡ The Department is rapidly transforming its approach to space from a support function to a warfighting domain in order to achieve our desired conditions and strategic objectives over the next 10 years in the face of identified threats, challenges, and opportunities.
ㅡ CENTRAL IDEA: The Department will grow its spacepower capacity over the next 10 years to ensure space superiority and secure the Nation’s vital interests. The Department will take action rapidly to leverage opportunities and U.S. strengths in close cooperation with our allies, partners, and industry.
ㅡ The Department will pursue the following prioritized lines of effort (LOEs) to achieve our desired conditions while addressing identified threats, opportunities, and challenges:
1) Build a comprehensive military advantage in space.
ㅡ The Department must transform its space enterprise by: reforming its organizations; fielding resilient architectures; building capabilities to counter hostile uses of space; and developing spacepower expertise, doctrine, and operational concepts commensurate with the threat.
ㅡ Build out the U.S. Space Force
ㅡ Develop and document doctrinal foundations of military spacepower.
ㅡ Develop and expand space warfighting expertise and culture.
ㅡ Field assured space capabilities.
ㅡ Develop and field capabilities that counter hostile use of space.
ㅡ Improve intelligence and command and control (C2) capabilities that enable military advantage in the space domain
2) Integrate military spacepower into national, joint, and combined operations.
ㅡ Military spacepower achieves its greatest potential when combined with all other forms of military power
ㅡ Enable USSPACECOM to plan, exercise, and execute joint and combined space operations across the spectrum of conflict.
ㅡ Realign operational authorities and update rules of engagement.
ㅡ Integrate space warfighting operations, intelligence, capabilities, and personnel into military plans and staffs. Update security classification for DoD space programs.
ㅡ Integrate allies and partners into plans, operations, exercises, engagements, and intelligence activities.
3) Shape the strategic environment.
ㅡ DoD will deter aggression and attacks in space and, if deterrence fails, be capable of winning wars that extend into space
ㅡ Inform international and public audiences of growing adversarial threats in space.
ㅡ Deter adversary aggression against the space capabilities of the United States and its allies, partners, and commercial interests.
ㅡ Coordinate space messaging.
ㅡ Promote standards and norms of behavior in space favorable to U.S., allied, and partner interests
4) Cooperate with allies, partners, industry, and other U.S. Government departments and agencies.
ㅡ Partnering is both inherent in the first three LOEs and a distinct LOE in its own right.
ㅡ Expand information sharing relationships with capable allies and partners.
ㅡ Align with allies and partners on space policy.
ㅡ Join with allies, partners, and other U.S. Government departments and agencies to promote favorable standards and norms of behavior in space.
ㅡ Expand cooperative research, development, and acquisition (RD&A) with allies and partners.
ㅡ Leverage commercial technological advancements and acquisition processes.
ㅡ Modernize DoD’s approach to the commercial licensing approval process
4. Conclusion
ㅡ This strategy provides an opportunity to build upon existing work by taking immediate and enduring steps to generate and employ a superior spacepower capacity
ㅡ Successful implementation of this strategy requires embracing space activities as a unique source of national and military power and incorporating the principles of joint warfare into space operations.
ㅡ Implementation of the strategy will posture the Department to achieve its strategic objectives with the necessary prioritization of resources and risk management to advance U.S. national interests.
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