ㅇ Foreword
ㅡ As the radical leader of his party - the National Socialist German Workers' Party(NSDAP) - Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933. By then, he had already made his plans very clear: to create "Living space in the East(Lebensraum) for the German people and to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism". Each of these could only mean one thing: War.
제1장. Political Awakening
ㅡ While still a member of the army, he witnessed the revolution and a short-term takeover by socialists and anarchists in Munich.
Hitler was deeply frustrated, he had no time for democracy.
ㅡ Hitler considered the Treaty of Versailles, which the German government had signed in 1919, a "disgrace".
ㅡ Hitler wrote of the will of "international Jewry to win the world" - and the "struggle against Bolshevism", there were central to the mission of the German people. The German people also demanded "living space in the east"
제2장. Rise and Breakthrough
ㅡ Hitler finally persuaded Hindenburg to appoint him as chancellor 30 January, 1933 - this was the day of the "seizure of the power", Hitler's propaganda man, Goebbels, organized a torchlight procession on the same evening through the Brandenburg Gate. In Hitler's Cabinet, the Nazi Party was initially represented by just three ministers, including the man who would later be second in command in Third Reich, Goring.
제3장. 1933 to 1939
ㅡ SA sent people to savage concentration camps, which were often set up temporarily in cellars, pubs or barns
ㅡ Just six monthes after Hitler's "seizure of power", Hitler no longer had to fear any serious opposition.
ㅡ "One People, One Nation, One Leader" Before his "seizure of power", Hitler had promised radical improvements in living conditions for millions of people.
In 1936, Hitler ordered the rearmament of the German Army, which was now called the Wehrmacht.
ㅡ Annexation of Austria, Czechoslovakia, with the signing of the Munich Agreement in September 1938, they gave the Sudetenland away.
ㅡ One of Hitler's main aims had always been the expulsion of the 500,000 German Jews from Germany. At this point, he had not likely considered mass exterminaition, even though it was implied when combining plans to expel the Jews with the plans for war.
ㅡ "Reichskristallnacht" or the Night of Broken Glass. Jews were murdered and humiliated, and 30,000 Jewish men were sent to concentration camps.
ㅡ After the events that had taken place in Czechoslovakia, England and France also began to increase their arms.
Neither country, however, had any interest in going to war. Nevertheless, the general feeling at this time was that Europe was indeed heading towards war. Hitler's new aim became clear : a war against Poland.
ㅡ 23 August 1939 : A non-aggression pact with one of Germany's greatest enemies, the Soviet Union. The two governments made secret plans to divide Poland into two areas of interest in the event of war.
He gave the order to invade Poland on 1 September, without actually declaring war.
제4장. Blitzkrieg
ㅡ In April 1940, the Wehrmacht occupied Denmark and Norway - neither the English nor the French could do anything to stop this. Hitler now felt so strong that he ordered an attack on France, a country he considered weak.
On 10 May, Germany invaded the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. After these three countries had been occupied, Hitler turned his attention to France. The French Army was no match for Hitler's Wehrmacht.
ㅡ He achieved two more lighting victories - Germany defeated Greece and Yugoslavia in spring 1941.
제5장. Operation Barbarossa
ㅡ Shortly after the victory over France, Hitler was making plans for an attack on the Soviet Union. He hoped that a victory in the Soviet Union would lead to the British complying with his wishes. Last but not least, a war against the Soviet Union was an opportunity to create "living space in the East" and to put his racist goals into practice. It was his wish to destroy "Jewish Bolshevism" and enslave the "inferior" Slavs for the "Aryan" Germans.
He himself played a significant role in the strategic preparations, as he did not trust his generals.
ㅡ When the advance halted in winter 1941, He was furious and blamed his generals for the setback.
In reality, he had underestimated the Red Army's fighting power. He got rid of the army's commander-in-chief in December and took on the role himself. From this moment on, Hitler had to deal with the strategical issues and the tactical questions of warfare.
ㅡ On 30 January 1943, the 6th Army was forced to surrender near Stalingrad. Hitler had ordered the soldiers to fight to the bitter end, and he was furious. This defeat became a turning point in the war. It became apparent to many observers and military leaders that the Third Reich could no longer win the war.
ㅡ After the failure of a last major offensive in 1943, the Wehrmacht was retreating from the increasingly superior Red Army.
Hitler forbade retreat, while the generals demanded partial withdrawals so the German Army could consolidate its position.
ㅡ SS, Wehrmacht and special "Einsatzgruppen" waged a brutal and unscrupulous war against the local population, Soviet prisoners of war and Jews. The SS murdered millions of innocent people, destroyed entire villages and killed more than two million prisoners of war.
ㅡ "Is your confidence in the Fuhrer greater, more faithful and more unshakable than ever before?
Are you absolutely and completely ready to follow him wherever he goes and do all that is necessary to bring the war to a victorious end?" - Goebbels, Extract from the speech, 18 February 1943
제6장. Holocaust
ㅡ "Einsatzgruppen" members of the SS and Wehrmacht also set about brutally attacking Jews in the Soviet Union.
They shot them, often claiming they were "Partisans"
ㅡ As a result, there were always disputes for Hitler so settle and his unwavering leadership remained untouched. There is no question that Hitler is the man responsible for the murder of six million Jews.
ㅡ Hitler never visited the extermination camps himself. He never saw the unbelievable suffering and misery inflicted upon the people in these camps. Total of 500,000 German took part in the mass murder. The majority of these people played their parts from offices and desks in Germany.
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